900 Hanwell Rd., Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada


Message From Executive Director

Who we are
ASRNB Director

Message From Executive Director

At Aboriginal Sport and Recreation New Brunswick (ASRNB), our priority is the Indigenous youth of New Brunswick and our neighbouring Mi’kmaq community of Listuguj. The youth participating in our activities, sports and events are the next generation of athletes and leaders of our communities.

Together, we proudly observe as they grow and take their journey into adulthood and sharing some of their positive experiences and learnings that we have offered.

Our aim at ASRNB is to develop and deliver a variety of activities and events that will have the youth fully engaged in the communities with sports, recreational activities as well events and other activities that serve our Indigenous communities in a fulsome and wholistic manner. Some of these offerings have included cultural teachings, mental health and wellness techniques and educating the youth about sports and the importance of nutrition.

Last year our communities and neighbours across Turtle Island all experienced numerous challenges because of the pandemic. Throughout these trying times, ASRNB proudly found creative means to continue to offer important and vital services and activities in a healthy and safe manner. Keeping our youth engaged by way of virtual activities and events including outdoor adventures were but a few ways of which we were successful in reaching out to our athletes, coaches, staff, and families. On this regard, I would like to acknowledge all our participants and most importantly the ASRNB partners and staff for your support and contribution to making these activities possible during these trying times.

I am pleased to announce that ASRNB has made huge strides in development of fair and accountable Governance systems and processes that directly support our day-to-day operations. With the implementation of these new system and processes and overall improved accountability we have seen tremendous growth within the organization with the hiring of new staff and the opening of two offices which supports improved services to both the Mi’kmaq and Maliseet communities and new and increased offerings of programs and services. Continued growth and building ASRNB’s capacities are imperative to the health of the organization and our Indigenous communities.

ASRNB is proud of our progress to date and continue to make strives in improving our programs and services equally to all communities. This could not be possible without the investments made into the important relationships and partnerships made over the past several years of which is recognized by the efforts made by the ASRNB team, our communities, community managers, community leaders and most importantly our Youth.

ASRNB is excited for the future and has many activities, events and programs planned for coming weeks and months. We hope that you continue to stay safe and remain healthy and look forward to seeing you all soon!

Welalin/Woliwon/Thank you/Merci

Cathy Ward

-Cathy Ward
Executive Director